Saturday, March 1, 2008

Revolutionary War Soldiers of Western North Carolina: Burke County, Volume I

I found a great source record last week at the library. It's a book called Revolutionary War Soldiers of Western North Carolina: Burke County, Vol. 1. The author is Emmet R. White and it was published in 1984 by Southern Historical Press, Inc. of Easley, S.C.

It has biographical sketches on many soldiers, including summaries of military service, later life, land holdings, and census locations. Two of my ancestors are included: Captain Thomas Hemphill and Captain Thomas Lytle.

Other soldiers and patriots detailed are:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How wonderful that you found this book useful and mentioned it on your website. My father researched and wrote the book. There is also a Vol. 2. on Burke County soldiers. Volume 3 is at the publishers. My Dad is very ill right now - I will share with him your praise of his book - it will tickle him, I'm sure. He spent decades researching the lives of Revolutionary War soldiers, cleaning gravestones, scouring census data and land records. It's nice to know his work is appreciated. Thank you again.

Millie White Rothrock