Sunday, January 13, 2008

Moses Qualls (Quarles) Biographical Sketch

I found an interesting biographical sketch of Moses Qualls in the Rootsweb Qualls-Quarles mailing list archives:

Before the Revolution, Moses moved to the West side of the Broad River near the present Lockhart, SC in Union County. He was a Loyalist during the Revolution, convicted of sedition by the American authorities and exiled to the British base at Orangeburg, SC.

Moses bought land in Union County, SC, 17 December 1785. Union County RMC A, Pages 80-82.Moses was living in Union County at the time of the 1790 Census. His household was listed with two while males 16 and upward, one white male under 16, and 4 white females. SC 1790 Census page94. Thomas Quarles is next door and Elizabeth Quarles is nearby.

After the Revolution, Moses returned to Union County where he lived until the late 1790's when he moved north into Spartanburg County on land he had bought adjacent to his son David.

He bought 100 acres in Spartanburg Co, SC, along the Pacolet River in 1799. Spartanburg Deed, Book F, Page 299. The circumstances of this land purchase and return to its originals owners after Moses died suggested he lease the land for his declining years. The land was almost surrounded by the land of his son David.

Moses' son John and daughter-in-law Elizabeth also owned land within several hundred yards.

In the 1790 Census 96th District p 94 there is a Moses Quails with 2 Free white males over 18, 1 male under 18, and four females listed. living next door to Thomas Quails with 1 free white male over 16(cannot read remainder).

Moses was living in Spartanburg at the time of the 1800 census. His household is listed with one male less than 10, one male 26-45, one male 45 or older, one female 26-45, and one female 45 or older. Spartanburg County 1800 Census, page 173.

Moses died between August 1, 1800 (the date of the 1800 Census) and October 1, 1801 (the date on which the court appointed David Administrator of Moses' estate".

Moses had died before 29 October 1801. Minutes of Spartanburg County Court of the Ordinary, Page 8, contains a citation against the assets of Moses Quarles, deceased. David Quarles, was name Administrator, a chore usually assigned to the oldest son of the decedent. The citation was dropped by the court 9 November 1801."

In the Court of Ordinary 6th Nov 1801 issued a citation on the goods or Chattles of Moses Quarles late of this District decd. Returnabel 6th Nove issuing. In the Court of Ordinary 6th November 1801 the above citation and no opposition made to the admin of David Quarles on said estate David Quarles refused to qualify or take the oath of an admr so the whole business was dropped.

Source: http://archiver/

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