Monday, December 31, 2007

Kendrick Census Record Break-Through

I finally found some Kendrick census records. The lack of documentation has been really frustrating, because I knew these people had lived in Murray County, but I simply couldn't find them. Bad spelling and fancy handwriting were the sources of my problems.

1860 - the secret is to search on "Kindrick." I found Thomas, Mahalia, and Francis Marion, as well as some children of whom I had been unaware.

1880 - "Kindrich" is the census-taker's version of the surname this year. I found Thomas and Mahalia living in Francis Marion's household, along with Barbara and France and, again, new children's names.

1900 - this one was tricky, because Ancestry had transcribed Francis M as Thomas. Don't ask me how that mistake was made, but the name is very clearly Francis M if one zooms the census image to 50%. The census taker apparently had many difficulties, because there was a lot of marking out and writing over throughout the whole page. I'm also suspicious of some of his details, such as number of children belonging to the mother and family birthplaces. I've rated this source as a "2," instead of a "3" because of these detail questions.

1910 - Fancy handwriting and OCR software do not get on well together. The census-taker had beautiful, loopy handwriting, such that the OCR software interpreted Francis M Kindrick as Rancis M Kindrickf. Barbara and two of the sons are also in the "Kindrickf" household.

While I didn't find any new ancestors, I feel like I definitely filled in some pieces of the puzzle with these finds.

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