Saturday, December 22, 2007

Welcome to Tonia's Roots

The purpose of this blog is to be a companion to my genealogy website, It will be a narrative record of my journey in searching for and documenting my ancestry. The genealogy website is a pedigree study of my ancestors and includes a wide range of information including surnames, lineage, photos, histories, and much more. Please check out both. I am pleased to share any information that I have that may further your own research. If you see errors or omissions, please contact me. Email admin at

A little about my background in genealogy. . .my mother has been researching the family for years. I did some work several years ago, but fell out of the habit for a number of reasons. A few months ago at a family reunion, the topic came up and the person mentioned I had used years before, so I was curious to see what had changed in online genealogy research.

Wow. It was like a whole new world. I signed up for Ancestry's free trial period, and after only a few days, I was hooked. It's a great tool, not only for research, but also as a repository for personal information. However, there is a fee. . .

During my research, I found so many personal genealogical websites with great information - not only people and pedigrees, but also stories, photos (including one of my great-grandmother!), cemeteries, and more. Because I found so much through the generous sharing of others, I wanted to give something back. And that's where Tonia's Roots started.

I hope to keep both the website and the blog updated frequently. Check back often and I hope you'll drop me a comment to say hello, ask a question, or share some insight.


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